Please be respectful and aware of those around you. The studio is a sacred place and we ask that you leave your shoes and any belongings you will not be using in class in our storage cubbies or leave them at home. Cell phones must be placed on airplane mode or turned off so as not to disrupt class. Refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, aftershave or any other strongly scented products. Please be considerate of your fellow students and do not make excessive noise or leave class during savasana.
Arrival: Please arrive on-time (5-10 minutes prior to class is ideal; studio opens 15 minutes before class). We do understand that the unexpected happens, and allow a 5-minute grace period past the start time. After that, we lock our doors for the security of our students and their belongings.
Checking In: Clients can check themselves in at the iPad kiosk. If you reserved you spot online/in the app, please verify on the iPad that yo

We welcome you to mix things up and try a variety of classes!
Classes are not leveled, so if it's your first time trying a particular offering, we recommend talking with your teacher before class. All our teachers will be happy to meet you where you are and help you with any modifications you may need in your practice. We recommend starting with Foundations and Yin-based classes to those beginning their yoga journey, those coming back to their practice after being away for an extended time, or those returning to the mat following injury or illness.

Soulful Sunday Sadhana

A LiveURYoga Signature Class
Sādhanā is a daily spiritual practice designed to allow oneself to turn inward and perceive life as it truly is. It is about balance, union, receptivity, partnership and fulfillment of Self. It is our opportunity to move deeper into our spiritual practice—one that feeds our soul, not just the tissues of the body. During each session, we will further explore yoga beyond the asana. Practices will differ from session to session, including pranayama (breathwork), kriyas, meditation, yoga nidra, and more. Come connect with yourself!
{1st + 3rd Sundays of the month}
Ideal for all.
Yoga Foundations

A strong yoga practice begins with a sturdy foundation. Each week this class focuses on a specific pose or set of poses so that you can learn proper alignment, where to focus effort, and where to find release. This class will also break down and concentrate on good techniques to move through vinyasa transitions, learning to connect your breath with your movement. This class solidifies your yoga practice, increases strength, and improves flexibility.
Ideal for beginners or those looking to solidify their existing practice.
Sattva Japa (Mantra) Circle

"Man" means "heart" "tra" means "expansion and liberation". Mantra means "working with the expansive energy of the electromagnetic field of the heart" . Anahata meaning "unstruck sound " is the heart center, the beginning of sound. The first mantra was the heartbeat.
When we chant, we use the energy of the heart to create expansion and liberation. It is important to chant from the heart, for the power of the mantra lies within the heart. Bhava (attitude) is the most important part of the mantra, especially when recited in a collective space. Attention and intonation are also important elements of mantra. Sanskrit mantras onomatopoeic, meaning the sound and the actual object that is describes are one and the same. This creates a deep, hypnotic, and energetic experience. All mantras are of the same tone when used for meditative purposes.
We will be exploring the different types of mantra and how they should be used in healing, expansion and liberation.
Our mantra circle allows us to experience the different types of mantra and grow the energetic field of the collective.
Sattva Dharma Circle

Dharma means "living a purposeful and evolutionary life". This is our opportunity to come together in open and in-depth discussions steeped in yogic philosophy. Using the sacred texts of the Yoga Sutras, Bhaghavad Gita, Isha Upanishads, Astravakra Gita and more. We will consistently move into our natural state of evolution thru understanding, transformation, empowerment and growth.
Slow Flow

Slow Flow yoga takes the time to peacefully find your edge and deepen your practice. This all-levels class focuses on mindfully transitioning between asanas helping you release stress and build body-mind-spirit awareness. An exploratory warm-up is followed by flowing asanas that dive deep into your embodied experience. Slow and smooth, but challenging.
Power Yoga

Vinyasa Flow


An energetic vinyasa practice that promotes strength, flexibility, and balance is followed by a short segment of Yin yoga to help relax and restore the body.
Yin Yoga

Longer held, floor-based yoga poses designed to quiet the mind, stretch connective tissue, and increase relaxation. Increase flexibility, relieve stress, and improve range of motion.
Yin+Back Care

Longer held, floor-based yoga poses designed to stretch connective tissue and joints with a focus on releasing tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Props are often utilized to improve alignment and support a deepening of each pose.
Yin Restorative

A gentle, floor-based practice designed to quiet the mind, stretch connective tissue, and increase relaxation using the additional support of props.

Ease into your practice by beginning with Yin yoga, allowing you to slowly release stress and tension and wake-up the body. Move into a flowing vinyasa segment to build strength and balance.
Community Class

We believe that yoga should be accessible for all.
Our community classes give you an opportunity to attend the studio, be a part of our community, and receive excellent yoga instruction even when finances are tight. Our suggested donation is $10, but you can attend these classes by giving the studio a donation of any amount at all. All donations go towards the non-profit organization of Holbrook Farms Retreat for Survivors of Heroes to support their mission of providing an all-expenses-paid wellness retreat for widows and widowers of active duty military service members.